Piper PA28
Delivered from Reus (REU) ESP
Delivered to Meppershall GBR
Miles Flown: 745
Time Taken: 2 days, 3 stops
The Piper PA28 is a capable trainer but isn’t really designed for long touring through Europe. Naljets were engaged by a long time client and partner to ferry a PA28 from Reus back to the UK.
The aircraft had been in long term storage since its purchase.
Along with the planning of the trip, customs assistance, and providing a flight watch service, Naljets crew were also able to help with the acceptance of the aircraft and help the new owner identify any snags and issues following a long time on the ground.
The trip was conducted safely and efficiently during the COVID pandemic, crew were able to swiftly comply with the ever changing regulations and the customer was left very happy with an immaculate classic PA28.