Cessna Citation CJ4 Delivered from Stockholm SWE Delivered to Florida USA Miles Flown: 5143 Miles NALjets were requested to provided crew and flight planning and support services for the Ferry and Delivery of a Citation CJ4 for its new owner in the USA. NALjets were...
Cessna Citation XLS+ Delivered from East Midlands UK Delivered to Wichita USA Miles Flown: 4,874 Miles NALjets was pleased to provide crew to assist with a Citation XLS+ jet that was recently ferried from the United Kingdom to the United States with stops in...
Cessna Citation Excel Delivered from South Africa Delivered to USA Miles Flown: 10032 Miles Ferrying a Citation Excel jet from South Africa to the USA poses several challenges that pilots and operators must carefully navigate. One significant hurdle is the vast...
Cessna 421C RAM Collected – London (UK) Positioned – Hamburg Owner and crew Entry Into Service Experience Ferry to Malta Customs Import Return to Hamburg Via Palermo and Memmingen Miles Flown: 3021 Miles NAljets provided services to a private client following the...
Cessna Citation XLS Delivered from Doncaster (DSA) GBR Delivered to Forth Worth (FTW) USA Miles Flown: 4,685 Naljets we’re engaged to provide crew and oversee the ferry of a Beautiful Citation XLS back to the USA. En route the Naljets captain provided...
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